No.001 S circle tall:23CM for 1/6 doll
No.002 S circle tall:38.4CM for 1/4 and 1/4 big doll
No.003 M circle tall:47CM for 1/3 girl
No.004 M circle tall:52CM for 1/3 boy
No.005 M circle tall:50.5 for SDGR girl
No.006 M circle tall:54.5 for SD16 girl
No.007 M circle tall:56CM for 65cm boy and girl
No.008 M circle tall:60CM for 70cm boy
No.009 M circle tall:63CM for 72cm boy
Please let us know which one you would like when you place your order.Thank you.
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Sale Period: April 20th, 2017 ~ May 20th 2017
Delivery Time :one month after the sale period